How can you adapt your restaurant to the veggie trend?

Flexitarian, vegetarian, and vegan customers now represent an attractive market segment for restaurant managers. In fact, the veggie trend is gaining momentum and triggering a real change in modes of consumption. We can observe a general willingness to reduce consumption of meat and animal products. Some simply reduce their meat consumption, while others go as far as to exclude all products derived from animals from their diet.
What are the reasons to adopt this new mode of consumption? With the goal of animal protection, environmental protection, or simply for a more healthy lifestyle.
Although more and more restaurants offer vegetarian or vegan options to their customers, it is still complicated for these diners to find something suitable.
In order to improve their reputation and take advantage of these new and growing trends, TheFork has thought of several ideas for you to make your restaurant more "veggie-friendly":
Offer a veggie alternative on your restaurant's menu
For your veggie menu, focus on food derived from organic agriculture in order to be fully in line with the expectations of your new customers. For the same reasons, choose local and reliable providers. For example, it is preferable to focus on farm producers.
If you would like to offer a 100% vegan solution in your restaurant, be aware that plants are simple foods and you must know how to sublimate to make the customer crave them. In keeping with many consumers, vegetables are present on the plate with the unique goal of accompanying meat or fish. Your mission will be to make sure that, in your dishes, the vegetables, the fruits, and the grains are sufficient by themselves. The possibilities in terms of vegan dishes are numerous: avocado tart, squash spaghetti, vegetable tartare, or chili sin carne.
Your menu will be reinvented according to the seasons in order to offer fresh fruits and vegetables to your customers.
And don't forget the drinks! Detox juices will accompany your vegetarian menu perfectly. For more ideas for refreshing summer drinks, click here.
Take care with the presentation of your dishes
Create a natural atmosphere
Check in with your staff
Communicate, but not too much