Valentine's day: Menu and event ideas for restaurants

Published 01.31.2022 - Last update 06.13.2024
Valentine's menu and ideas
Table of contents
  1. Rolling out the red carpet
  2. How to create a Valentine’s day atmosphere: or the look of love
  3. Boost your business with our PRO version now
  4. The heart of the matter: the Valentine’s Day menu
  5. In the mood for love cocktails

Valentine’s Day is fast approaching. And like every year, millions of people around the world will celebrate this holiday devoted to honoring love and romance. In addition to sending Valentine’s cards, giving flowers and chocolates, huge numbers of people mark the day by going to restaurants on February 14th❤️.

Keep in mind (and remind staff) that on Valentine’s Day people celebrate very different types of relationships and kinds of love, in short, it is not only for lovers  but can also be a celebration of friendship, family ties, and even self-love. However, whatever form of love they choose to celebrate, people who go out on Valentine’s day are generally expecting a unique experience. So here’s a few tips on how to provide your customers with an exceptional Valentine’s day celebration.

Rolling out the red carpet

While your staff should always make customers feel welcome, this is even more important on Valentine’s Day. Your clients are relying on you to make their celebration memorable and this starts with how you make them feel the minute they walk in the door. The idea is to make people feel extra special; instruct the host and all dining room staff to greet customers warmly and why not wish them a wonderful Valentine’s day meal; you could also start by giving each party a flower (carnations are pretty, inexpensive, and last a long time) before showing them to their table.  Naturally depending on your restaurant’s specific vibe, you might even want to consider decorating the entrance in some way to usher your clients into the Valentine’s spirit: this could involve a literal swathe of red carpet, or red curtains, a tasteful flower wreath on the door, or a decorative nook.

Be sure that staff have been instructed to show guests to their table as quickly and discreetly as possible. If there should be an unforeseen glitch and customers should have to wait to be seated, be sure to usher them into a spot where they can wait comfortably and offer them a complimentary drink of their choice to show your good will. Encourage early reservations by offering a small discount for the couples who think ahead and be sure to leave sufficient time between two meal services, as you definitely don’t want people feeling rushed.

Once the guests are seated why not bring them a complimentary glass of prosecco or red fruit juice; the cost of the drink should be more than made up for by the feel-good factor it generates.


restaurant at a couple

How to create a Valentine’s day atmosphere: or the look of love

While there’s no need to spend a fortune on redecorating your restaurant for one evening, you should make a concerted effort to create a distinctive atmosphere and fresh look. After all, people who choose to go out on Valentine’s day, are looking for an overall experience above and beyond enjoying a special meal. They may not have ideas about how to decorate for the holiday at home and are counting on you to set the scene and help get them into the mood.

If you are aiming for understated elegance and romantic intimacy, flowers and candles will give an entirely different feel to your dining room. Why not partner with a local florist to prepare a beautiful centerpiece bouquet for the bar. Try setting  small glass bud vases with single flowers on each table; while people tend to think of red roses exclusively for Valentine's day there are actually many flowers that are associated with love in its diverse forms. For example, Ranunculi are supposed to symbolise charm and attraction, while Alstroemeria are for friendship and devotion and tulips are for “perfect” love 🌷

restaurant empty tables with green & white wall

The power of soft lighting. Try dimming the lights and distribute candles generously throughout the restaurant. Votive candles placed in glass holders can do much to create a warm, intimate mood. Or if you prefer not to use real candles, use LED candles or try hanging strings of small white lights around the room.

However, if you are looking to create a more over-the-top or even kitsch valentine’s day vibe, there’s a vast choice of decorations on the market including paper heart decorations in all shapes and forms, garlands, wall decals, pink and red  balloons, LED signs featuring romantic sayings, centerpieces, and decorative linens, among countless options. You could also ask your staff to wear valentine’s outfits for a truly kitsch effect (think cupid’s wings or pink and red accessories such as ties or bowties…)

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