How do clients feel about the INSIDER selection?

Last month we talked about the multiple advantages for restaurants to being part of the INSIDER selection.Today you'll find out how TheFork clients feel about the INSIDER selection.
Who are INSIDER selection clients?
The INSIDER selection in two words.
For our restaurant partners, belonging to the INSIDER selection means boosting their visibility and reservation volume through a dedicated section, emailing campaigns and exclusive events. TheFork now has over 5,000 partner restaurants in 10 countries (France, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Switzerland, Sweden, the Netherlands, Denmark, Australia and Brazil).
How users feel about the INSIDER selection
TheFork surveyed 5,500 users to identify the INSIDER clients and find out how they feel about the INSIDER selection. See the key information below to find out how your potential clients feel about the INSIDER selection.
Have you heard of the INSIDER selection?
53% of TheFork users know all about the INSIDER selection, and most of them discovered it either directly through our TheFork website or through a TheFork emailing campaign.
How would you describe the INSIDER selection?
⅓ of TheFork users defined the INSIDER selection as a listing of the best restaurants in their area, and also of all the best restaurants in France , Spain, , Italy, Switzerland, Portugal, and the major cities in the Netherlands, Brazil, Denmark, Sweden, and even Australia!
What's the profile of INSIDER restaurants?
Most users associate the INSIDER selection with the best restaurants in their areas, including high-end and starred restaurants, hidden gems, and eateries that offer an explosion of flavor. Does that sound like you?
Have you ever searched an INSIDER restaurant in the specialized section?
1/4 of TheFork users are familiar with the specialized section for restaurants included in the INSIDER selection, and have used it to find and book a table at an INSIDER restaurant.
How would you rate your experience with the INSIDER selection section?
TheFork users that have used the INSIDER selection section to book a table give it an average score of 7.49/10. They are very satisfied overall, and call it simple and fun to identify INSIDER restaurants on our TheFork website.
Key takeaways:
- Since its launch in 2017, the INSIDER selection has grown rapidly, expanding to include 10 countries.
- In 2018, only 31% of users knew about the selection. Today over 53% are familiar with it and have tried INSIDER restaurants.
- The marketing activities launched by TheFork to increase the visibility of INSIDER restaurants (INSIDER week, INSIDER Yummy Days and Café INSIDER) ) have been highly successful, significantly boosting reservations at INSIDER restaurants.
If you're interested in the INSIDER selection and aren't already working with TheFork, contact us here>>
*data from the June 2019 TheFork survey